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A member registered Feb 12, 2020

Recent community posts

Ok, thanks for disabling it, and I'm sorry if it makes bug reporting harder. I'm happy to help testing things on Linux if needed.

A blog post would be a good thing for transparency, thanks for that.

I'm not sure if "not playing the game" is a valid GDPR consent thing, especially as this analytics starts with first launch of the game, and users are not aware of it.
That thing put apart: is there no way to opt-in for this analytics ?
Is there any other tool that would be more privacy/consent-friendly that you could use ?

I'm not against it if it's opt-in, especially if it's only for errors and bugs report (as long as this doesn't contains personal information), and maybe I would activate it, especially if it helps you to support Linux (which is great ! And thanks a lot for that :). Maybe I'd prefer to send a bug report in another way if I find a crash/bug.

Especially on Linux I'd think people will be willing to help with bug reports and logs if they encounter some issues.

By the way I found a way to disable Unity analytics by hand ( so I played to your game: still a bit basic (that's understandable) but already quite funny, I like it, well done.

(2 edits)

How do we disable Unity Analytics ?

I don't agree with that tracking, but you're doing it without my consent. At least for this game you're telling us (most don't…).

How can I disable this ? In the absence of a way to opt-out…

It should be opt-in by default… I'm not willing to play a game that track me against my consent (and I'm not sure it's legal in the UE by the way, GDPR says it's opt-in by default, always).

edit: I'm using linux. If it's not possible to opt-out, then just disable it instead of violating user consent.